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I'd like to have the zentangle animal posted.

[email protected]

I would like to have the zentangle animal. Thank you.

[email protected]

I love it and would love the design emailed tome please

I would also love to have this zentangle animal! thank you!!

What an amazing embroidery design. Your work is inspirational. I would love to have this zentangle emailed.


Please send me the zentangle hare. It is amazing.
Thank you,

Would love to receive your rabbit. Tks

I love your work. Please send me this design. Thanks Pbr

Excellent! I'm curious to know the size of this piece and whether it's all done in the hoop or is some freehand?

I love this work
Please send me the zentangle hare
Thank you

You are so talented! This one is absolutely awesome and I would love to have it if you are still sharing it.

Thank you!!

Awesome! I love your talent. The pattern on the chest really draws the eye, and I think adds a lot of mood. I think of baskets and spring and rabbits hiding and peeking out of baskets when I see it. There's also a sense of poised action, like the hare is deciding whether to spring away or stay to investigate.


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