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What a lovely bird! Yes, please send me March's free “The Pheasant".

Thanks so much.

I'm afraid I'm not able to do this, because you've blocked your e-mail from Typepad. Try again, and enter your e-mail in the box they provide


Okay, I'm trying again as BevInTX :-).

Hi Beverly

You didnt give your e-mail to Typepad, so unfortunately I cant send the pheasant!


The Pheasant is beautiful, I would love to have it. Thanks Michelle

I would love to have the March Pheasant. I was on the road a few days ago and saw one flying across the hightway I was on. Beautiful!

Wow! I just found this design via a recommendation! Lovely! Would love to try it! Thank you!

Lovely Pheasant. We occasionally see a pheasant in the wetlands area next to our house. Would you please send the design to me? Thank you so much!

Another great looking design. I would love to have it.Thanks!

A very pretty design. I have raised pheasants, they were mean to my chickens.

This is very nice. Please send it to me

The pheasant is lovely and I plan to use some variegated thread to suggest the color variations. Please let him fly over to my email. Thank you very much.

I love your pheasant. Thank you so much for sharing with us. I'd love to have it also.

Hi Mia, Your pheasant is awesome and I think some variegated thread with the mottled fabric you suggested might help to give the wings and body more color. I would love to have your pheasant design. Thanks for considering my request.


Well done

hello again for this month. I love your pheasant. Please have him fly over to my house. He will love the sunny weather we have here.

could you please send me the beautiful pheasant design?

Hi, I would love to have you beautiful pheasant design.

I love your pheasant...please send him to me please.

Thank you so much for all you do! :)

I would love the beautiful pheasant.
Thank you.

Please send me the free pheasant as offered. It looks like a very lovely and intricate design.
Thank you

I would love him Mia! Thank you very much!

I would love to give your pheasant a try. Thank you in advance.

I tried to digitize a bird but it's not so beautiful
Thanks for the free design

Love the tail! I will have to compare it to the previous one to see the differences. I don't see them at first.

You are wonderful to offer such beautiful designs for free.

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