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Hi Mia, Love the subtle blue and white background that you choose for the background of your flying birds, which are all stitched out in some version of blue, thus keeping a continuity throughout the panel The variety of different fills give each bird a special personality. Thanks for sharing this Awesome panel with us. Gail

I really like this one. The background you chose gives movement to the birds. Very nice.

What fun! This scene took me instantly back to the park feeding the birds. Happy memories. How powerful to have your art work convey such an emotion!

The Dancing Birds will look beautiful mounted and framed. Love your work...keep them coming. Also, the Foxed Fox was another one of my favorites even though I missed making a comment and telling you.

Mia, it does look like someone just tossed seed down for the birds, they are all rushing in to eat. Great work!

Your birds are amazing and so decorative.They fit together well and have such charm and joy!

Happy birds! It shows your happy personality :)

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