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This would be hard for me to do because I love the bright, bold color scheme. But every time you show us something new, I love it. The colors are striking in their muted array!

I agree with your friend: that's a great wall hanging.

From what I can see, these were worth the work. Even not finished, I absolutely love this. The shading on the shells make them seem so real I could touch them. WOW

Hi Mia, Your wall hanging is beautiful with the muted neutral colors that you used to stitch out the shells. As always, your hand painted fabric enhances and brings out the natural realistic beauty of the shells.

Hi , thank you for the free designs, i9 just love this shells

Beautiful! As usual.

You add so much with your hand painted fabric. I vote for framing like a painting.

I can understand a project you just need a break from. It's hard to stay in love with something when you're working on it for days and days.

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