All my designs seem to fall into one of two categories - the "arty" or the "decorative". Arty things are what I do for exhibitions and galleries. They tend to be complicated works that you need to look at carefully, and which are happiest framed and hung on the wall. Decorative designs, on the other hand, are more at home on things like cushions and soft furnishings and garments, and are often simple in shape and bright in colours. To be honest, I find decorative things more fun to do, but they don't look quite right in galleries, so for the exhibitions I get more serious
And at the moment, with our annual NEOS (North East Open Studios) exhibition coming up, I'm almost totally into the arty stuff
So here are two deer headed for the exhibition. We have a lot of deer around here (and they play havoc with our young trees, believe me) but all the same they're beautiful animals and I can't resist drawing them. These two have rough coats done with the "scribbled applique" method I've mentioned, and I think the technique suits them quite well
Two arty deer for the exhibition
But all the same I'm looking forward to getting back to the bright colours. Wail 'till you see the rooster I'm working on now!