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Hi Mia, The two squirrels are stunning, and your fur technique really adds a special realistic value. As always your hand painted fabric is perfect and gives the background illusion of a tree. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

J'aime beaucoup la texture de cet écureuil
On le voit se déplacer sur cette branche !

I really like the way the tails turned out! Having never seen one of the UK’s red squirrels, I can’t weigh in on the color match, but I sure can empathize with never *quite* having the right color thread when wanting something specific in embroidery.

Over the years I have collected hundreds of thread colors from multiple manufacturers and I still never seem to have the right color red or gray or brown that I want for a specific project! In some cases, I can blend two colors, but that means digitizing so that there’s an under layer and a top layer or threading the machine with both threads (which always produces more thread breaks).

I wonder if you could paint a quick wash of color over an already stitched item? You might experiment with one of your old test stitch-outs to see how the thread absorbs a wash. Cotton thread would probably take the color a lot better than the modern poly or rayon embroidery threads.

But I know you have a bazillion things to do before the exhibition, so there’s probably not much time for experimentation right now

Thank you for sharing your process with us so that we can learn along with you.

Just like the squirrels by the creek behind my place. Love them

Love the squirrels Mia, they are amazing little characters. We have seen them in the UK, I would not worry too much about the colours, they all vary with different shades. This new technique sure does suit these little guys adds to the personality.

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