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I love it, I'm a cat person. Thank you.

Bien sympathique ce chat

That is a really great design. I love how you made the fur look well, furry. This cat is ferocious!
Thank you.

It’s wonderful! Halloween is such a fun holiday!

Mia, I love your black cat. So realistic looking. Thank you.

Oh, wow! I love that poster, and our son has it in his house. Guess who I'm going to make this for? His poster hangs beside the liquor & glasses cabinet, facing the wonderful mosaic marble dining table he found. I think it would make a great center design on a table runner for that. Thank you so much for your continual generosity, just giving designs like this to us! You could charge quite a lot for it, I would think. Great digitizing, adorable cat. I can think of so many friends who would love having this on some kind of gift! Again, thank you, dear Mia!

What amazes me is where you decide where to put the applique. The cat looks just like the poster love it.

Fantastic! Thank you!

Thank you! This will look fabulous on a pillow with my black and white cat decor!

Cute design Mia, Thank you for showing me, some will love it. We don't do Halloween in our area.

Love this little guy, especially since I do luv de wee puddies of all types. You really caught the emotion of the original. Thanks for this sweet little design.

Thanks you! I love your cat design too. Great festive Halloween decoration!

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