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Than you so much,it is beautiful.

Thank you Mia for the freebie design. It will be very versatile for many varied embroideries. I have just watched a u tube video on the island of Iona, the history was very informative, what an interesting place and so picturesque. Have you by chance been able to visit there ?

Thanks Mia. this is very nice. I can think of many uses for such a design. It's cold and snowy here. probably there also . I remember you got snowed in last year.......hope all is well there.
Did you get a chance to look at the Egyptian blocks? I know you're really busy, just wondering what you think cheers.j

Hi Mia, Thank you so much for the lovely Iona block. It will be beautiful on any item and one can always change the color to fit their decor or duplicate the block to add on extra blocks to make a larger block or design..

Thank you for the lovely design and as to ideas for free designs, I would certainly not object to a cat!

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