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Hi Mia, thank you so much for the spectacular 2 birds in a Pennsylvania style of artwork. I love the bright colors and the backdrop of the tree is perfect. I will look forward to your pictures and hope you sell all of the embroidery items that you created for the NEOS Exphibition.

Hi Mia,
No need to apologise, we can imagine how busy you must be. Thanks for the lovely design. Looking forward to the update on the NEOS exhibition, am sure will be very successful!

What a wonderful apology, great design, if you want to apology a few more times we are quite humble.😃

Yes we missed you but we know from your blog that you are very busy, take your time and know we still all send our best. Thanks for the splendid apology.

You said you were taking a break, so no need for an apology. Beautiful birds. I love this type of designs. Thank you Mia for your generosity. Looking forward to see pics of the NEOS Exhibition.

Very unique birds and the "tree" where they are perched. I also want to say I love...love the quilt for the young child. It is so unique and they will love it. Really like the mushrooms, as this year we have been so wet in August we have had some very unusual mushrooms in our backyard. Thanks for all your work and the freebies that you share.

Gorgeous design — thank you! And no apology needed. Your regular readers aren’t going anywhere. ;-) Hope everything goes well for you at the exhibition.

Thank you for the design. It’s lovely.

And I hope you have an absolutely wonderful time at NEOS!

Thank you for the beautiful birds!
Good luck at your exhibition. I hope you sell out!

Since I just move to Pennsylvania 2 weeks ago, I love it! Thanks for your continued generosity. No apologies necessary. We all need a break now and then.

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