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wow what a beautiful quilt. I love it.

Wow, this is amazing! Great work.

Absolutely Beautiful

That is a wonderful quilt, so full of color and structure that your eyes don't know where to look first. You can see a lot of planning went into the quilt. All the animals go perfectly in their background, beautiful.

Linda V

This was a really fun quilt to make. I wish everyone could see the small details that a photo doesn't pick up.
Each of the blocks are framed with Chenille-it a fun product that is very easy to sew on and adds great detail.
But most important of course, is the wonderful digitizing by Mia. She is a talented artist and does magic with her digitizing software!

C'est une réalisation très intéressante
Belle collaboration

It is so beautiful. Really mesmerizing. Well done both of you!

Absolutely Stunning quilt! I love all if the different fabrics and colors you used to make this a really spectacular quilt with Mia's wonderfully digitized real life animals.

I love the forest animals! They are so realistic and beautiful!

Gorgeous! Each block is amazing!

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