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Hi Mia, I think your poster looks great. The crows are fabulous and look so realistic against the gnarled tree and ground cover. They resemble a bunch of women gathered together for a gab fest to discuss the days events.

i for one think you should be happy with your contribution - the crows are fantastic!!

i for one think you should be happy with your contribution - the crows are fantastic!!

I like both your bird designs, the curlews and the crows are both very nice. They will do well at the show. Your work stands out, always so exacting in details.

If I were close I would certainly be there pointing out how your birds are so realistic and how nice they would look in their decor.

Best wishes for a great $howing :-}

I like both your bird designs, the curlews and the crows are both very nice. They will do well at the show. Your work stands out, always so exacting in details.

If I were close I would certainly be there pointing out how your birds are so realistic and how nice they would look in their decor.

Best wishes for a great $howing :-}

Beautiful piece of art! I love crows & ravens. You do such an amazing job with all of the birds you've designed.

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