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Hi Mia, anyone who loves ducks will definitely love this rendition of a group of them swimming in a lake. Love the background fabric, which I assume is some of your specially hand painted fabric.

A mob of mallards, good description. They are a noisy bunch. The males are so striking with their colors, you always choose the right colors for your animals. That can be troublesome.

They are aligned well for your swirls. Which came first the swirls or the mallards? There is a lot of work in that piece, I hope those looking to buy will realize that.

I have a feeling that will sell quickly.


GREAT job Mia!!! The swirls represent water very well. Are they satin stitched or couched? It will look even more lovely when framed. I can almost hear the ducks quacking to each other now!


Hi Mia, what fabulous Mallards, they are super noisy when there is a large group. Fascinating to watch them, swimming and diving. You have captured them with the swirls and background material magically. WELL DONE.

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