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J'aime beaucoup cette interprétation en broderie
Cela donne de belles idées

It is good to use this artwork to inspire you. I like what you did, and I enjoy seeing how people try to use artworks to give them a depth of thought otherwise missed. How ab out a closer version in that color spectrum to see how that might be possible with embroidery, a lesson in art perhaps. Linda

I think you captured the expression of the annoyed cat beautifully!
And I love the design of the girls hair.

Hello I'm very excited right now I just purchased your Zen Zodiac these are beautifully done and your very detailed jpgs are wonderful!-I see fame! Now for another suggestion could you please sell me the Zodiac words and symbols? You made my day-yay Karen

Hi Mia, Love your rendition of Max's lithograph of the little girl and her cat. I am sure he would have been so honored that you captured his art in embroidery.
Just now catching up on some of the messages in my email after being gone to Tulsa and Fort Worth visiting my sisters in Tulsa and our grandchildren in Fort Worth.

Max would be proud!

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