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Good morning from the continent!Back from Newcastle and the stormy sea, I know what you mean when I remember the white top of the waves and the wild gulls, which I just saw seconds before and lost in the spray....You did a wonderful work!Looking forward to see all your ideas on secretsof.com!
Tomorrow I will start with my clothes for Marsa Alam, using your fishes, mermaid , crab etc.
Hope you all have a wonderful crative week!

I like your idea of the butterflies transforming from the flowers. The shapes you created look good for the transformation. The colors work well for the butterflies. I just wonder if this should be a growing bush of flowers creating butterflies as the process of growth, as the petals wilt and drop one and the old flower morphs into a single butterfly with other flowers starting the process but not done. This would save work on doing a lot. I know that is a lot of work to create such a process. It is difficult to make new ideas work, with so many possibilities of how to set it up. Your idea and finished work has a created a visual possibility of extending life. Linda

it's really nice to see your beautiful work nomatter if it is once a week or not! let it take the time it needs to take and don't stress ;-)

Mia, once again what a wonderful collection you have created. Love the vase and flowers, combining the butterflies in the same shapes and colour tones is an added bonus. WELL DONE. I am amazed at the amount of things you achieve, and just love to see your new creations. Perfection takes time, and many hours of testing, but what a result in the end. You must be very happy, when you complete a project.

This is very pretty. I do like how the flowers transform into butterflies, or is it butterflies transforming into blooms? Your rendering is perfect.

Your work of art reminds me a bit of M.C. Escher's art in it's basic idea. Yours is not so strictly graphic and looks natural and alive. I like it very much. Thank you for sharing!

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