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He won't be lonely if you embroider TWO or more of him. Thank you for this lovely pigeon!!

Oh, wait! I just noticed a typographical error dear! He should be labelled, "a lovely pigeon"-- "lovely" is misspelled in your label. Sorry, I had to try to make you smile a bit.

Hi Mia, I hope that you enjoyed your well earned break. The pigeon won't be lonely if I add some more with it to keep him or her company, I can multiply and manipulate and make a family, by making a little adjustment with my machine. Thank you for another great design. My new sewing room is still a few weeks away from being finished, so it will give me time to play with the design.

I love your pigeon, whether he's lonely or lovely, and can't wait to sew out my own flock! Thank you!!

I am not able to download 'The Lonely Pigeon'.
I didn't have a problem with the last 2 designs.

Thank you for all you do!

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