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The blue bird is delightful, joyous and ready to dance I think. Such a happy bird. It must be a male all dressed up for attracting the ladies.

The gray one is showing his power, showing his attack stance, ready to charge.

You do a great job giving them personality. I can see why the lady wanted that written on it. That is what I like to do with a lot of the items I sew.


Love these stylized birds, Mia!!! Great job and great creativity. I steer away from comic animals, but not these. And that lady was right on! Don't meddle with me is right. Keep up the wonderful work.

LOVE these! As always, you instill humor in your creatures without making them the saccharine, whimsical kind. Yours have character! (And some are real characters!) I can't wait until these are up for sharing. In the meantime, I visited Secrets of Embroidery tonight and was thrilled to see your amazing Zentangle Zodiac!! Everything on sale too? I don't see how you can sell your creations at such low prices - there's so much work in them - but must admit I took advantage of the sale and bought four sets! Thank you for making all this available, Mia. Your work is simply unique & I love it all.

Both of these birds are absolutely delightful. I can almost see them framed and hanging on my wall already :}

I love these birds!!

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