Well, that’s another holiday season over for another year. I always enjoy the celebrations but all the same, it’s good to get back to Real Life again, even though it’s been snowing continually for several days here, so we’re pretty much snowed in. But we’re used to that up here in the Scottish Highlands! Anyway it’s time again for a freebie
This is a little Art Nouveau inspired square - it’s a simple design but it could find a home in many different kinds of projects - quilts, decorative hangings, purses, table linen, - whatever your imagination suggests. It’s for the 4 x 4 inch (100 100 mm) hoop and it’s embroidery only, with no applique
An Art Nouveau square for 2025
HERE is the design, in .pes v.6 Incidentally, I’d really love to be able to feature more free designs on this blog in 2025, so if you have any ideas for designs you’d like to see, please do let me know. I can’t promise to do everything, but I always love to have new thoughts of what people want from this kind of embroidery
Oh - and a Very Happy New Year to all of my readers. All best wishes for 2025, and thanks so much for your support
A happy and peaceful New Year to you, too- and thank you for the freebie. What would I like to discover this year on your blog? I had to think about scotland, and the first thing I saw in front of my inner eye were... sorry, puffins! I know, there is no puffin in the highlands, but I love these colourful, pretty, funny birds very much. A second flash idea was something monochrome, inspired by the imagination of the snowy highland landscape. Perhaps some grouse in the snow? Or lush green hills in the summer? Or something totally different? I'm really curious to see what ideas you'll have and how you will translate them into embroidery.
Posted by: Mirjam | 01/08/2025 at 01:17 PM
Thank you
Posted by: Connie J McCumber Brown | 01/08/2025 at 07:00 PM
Youre most welcome! Hope it comes in useful
Posted by: Mia | 01/08/2025 at 08:11 PM
Thank you
Posted by: Sue Koepp | 01/09/2025 at 12:05 AM
Glad to see you are back, even with all your snow. We have quite a bit too and so very cold. Doesn’t leave much else to do but embroidery or other handcrafts.
I like the design this month, I think it will be a good one to alter colors to go on a jacket, even a sweatshirt jacket. I will see what I have left that is blank.
Thank so much and keep warm.
Posted by: Linda Vaias | 01/17/2025 at 02:35 PM
I just love your designs Mia. So pretty. Of course I would love to see your countryside/landscape, maybe applique style? I can send you a photo of an applique landscape I did a couple year ago that I love if you'd like to see? I'm also a fan of the Highland Cows ;} but not with silly bows or flowers on their heads (sorry, don't mean to offend anyone). My most favorite though are pretty birds (peacocks, cardinals, bluejays etc) and flowers like Stargazers and Hyacinths and gladiolas. But I would love to see what kind of flowers you have. Thanks for ALL you do!
Posted by: Deb F | 01/22/2025 at 03:04 PM
Wunderschönes design. Vielen Dank!
Posted by: Esther Sommer-Heiniger | 01/24/2025 at 09:38 AM
Happy New Year, Mia! I'm glad you are feeling better. I love your designs and your style. I, like Deb F. would love pretty birds. I use your designs often but I'd love peacocks, cardinals and blue jay.
Posted by: Marilyn Palumbo | 01/24/2025 at 02:12 PM