Some time ago I went to a workshop on fabric printing, and produced several pieces of fabric which, although not particularly exciting in themselves, I thought might make good backgrounds to embroideries. I used one of them as a woodland setting for a crow (the picture was posted on the 21st of August) and recently I’ve got round to doing the other two.
The original sunrise fabric
This piece of fabric was in warm pinks and yellows and reminded me of a summer sunrise, so I used it as a setting for three birds, also in sunrise colours, blending in with the complex background
Sunrise fabric plus birds
This is one of the few pieces I’ve finished recently. Things have been so manic recently, what with preparing pieces for the show, that there just hasn’t been time to do anything new. And things are going to get busier. A gallery in Aberdeen has said that they want to feature some of my work in a winter show, which is of course very exciting news for me. However the problem is that virtually all of my large pieces have already gone to the Touched by Scotland exhibition, and I have almost nothing left to give to the new gallery. So I’m going to have to get down to some serious work in the next couple of weeks
Also a word of warning about the next free design – it will be a bit late this month, because I'll be away for several days next week, and so won’t be here to send out the design. But I’ll be back in the second week of December with the new freebie